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When someone asks me about diet, I say, "work toward adding healthier choices and changing eating habits." Dieting shouldn't be a habit... but eating well should. Everyone needs to discover how to use food to help them to achieve optimal energy. Many athletes really understand this concept. Food becomes a tool for fueling the body, creating muscle, staying lean and fit. If you don't eat right as an athlete, you can suffer illness, fatigue and poor performance. Why wouldn't this be true for everyone?
Eating to achieve energy for life may also include getting processed foods out of your life, especially the ones with really long ingredients lists. I love it when I recognize everything on a ingredients label. Even better is making your own food, using the healthiest choices. Right now, as a family we make bread, granola, soup, dessert, and chili every weekend in preparation for the week. Try to add foods that are on the healthiest foods list. Those lists are full of foods that are delicious "single ingredients".
People at work have accused me of being a "healthy eater" to which I respond, have you seen me eat? But I guess there is some truth. Yes, I eat junk here and there. Overall, though, my food choices are basic healthy meals with small portions. I eat 3 "larger" meals and 3, or more, snacks of fruit, granola, chocolate, banana bread (home made). And I work out, which I think is necessary for healthy living, and means I can enjoy food without worrying about extra weight.
Finally, there are so many fad diets. How can they really be good for you? I think the only thing diets are good for is learning about how to change the way you eat and add better foods. Doesn't just making healthier meals and snacks, and experimenting a bit with how, when, what you eat make sense? And then adding some kind of daily exercise and stress relief?
25 Top Heart Healthy Foods
1. Salmon
2. Flaxseed
3. Oatmeal
4. Black or kidney beans
5. Almonds
6. Walnuts
7. Red Wine
8. Tuna
9. Tofu
10. Brown Rice
11. Soy Milk
12. Blueberries
13. Carrots
14. Spinach
15. Broccoli
16. Sweet Potatoe
17. Red Bell Peppers
18. Asparagus
19. oranges
20. Tomatoes
21. Acorn Squash
22. cantaloupe
23. papaya
24. Dark Chocolate
25. Tea
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