This blog is dedicated to living fully with the intention of cultivating a healthy, mindful, and energized lifestyle
balanced with a focus on the future of our planet.

Topics include:
- Journey's of Transformation
- Health and Wellness
- Zero waste and Sustainable living
- Energy Building Activities (meditation, movement, nutrition, spirit)

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Meditative Hike

Meditative Hike 

Being in nature is healing. Being in natural surroundings aids us in energy sensitivity training/cultivation. Being inside we are automatically cut off from fresh air, the positive aspects of sunlight, natural sounds and smells. This is why energy cultivation in natural settings is so powerful – positive environmental elements are readily accessible and set the stage for deepening our sensitivity to energy. We will need to use our senses to help guide and stretch our awareness, our mind to be at ease – serene and peaceful, and we need to be in a space where we can build trust in our instincts.

Why energy cultivation and sensitivity? Yoga, Tai Chi, Acupuncture, etc… these are healing many people today due to the way in which the energetic work of the mind and body both respond to, are developed and moved in these practices. We have innate abilities to tap into our energetic body and heal ourselves, and live more in tune with our “true” selves.


Quieting the Mind and Working the Breath
Setting intentions and asking for guidance

Working (extending) 
Using the senses to Connect 
- feeling the landscape
- opening our senses

Following your instincts 
- found objects
- being called to a space
- noticing the messages and lessons

Energy sensitivity 
- energy from self, objects, places, trees, spaces, people, animals
- awareness of others energy
- our voice as source of positive energy

Resting (harmonizing and integrating) 
- setting the mind with sound, breathing
- looking at your thoughts and letting them pass

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