Did you look outside today and contemplate the end of times for humanity and life as we know it? The people who created Vivos, which doesn't deserve a link on my blog, have and are making lots of money selling space in vast underground shelters built to help you survive for one year in the event of the end of the world. The "news" is also picking up about the Mayan predicted End of Days in 2012 due to the recent disaster in Japan. Why on earth am I talking about this in my blog (besides amusement)?
A brilliant man's writing I follow keeps inspiring me to approach current issues with my own view point. He was writing about Native American views on apocalypse and how humans are creating their own demise by the way in which we treat our planet, the way we selfishly live our lives, and our lack of foresight into sustaining this beautiful earth for our children.
My friend posted this comment about another blog entry of mine:
"Treat the earth well: it was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your children. We do not inherit the Earth from our Ancestors, we borrow it from our Children."
Ancient Indian Proverb
For many years now, I have been of the opinion that the sum of our destructive tendencies are so great that we will not be able to overcome that inertia. Eventually we will follow the fate of Easter Island inhabitants, who abused the environment to such a degree, overpopulating, deforesting and decimating resources, that they destroyed themselves. Though people are now trying to curb environmental pollution and "save the planet", our individual tiny everyday acts as a sum total are still too great a burden. As an activist I believed that getting the message out was a change catalyst. As an individual I believed changing myself and my actions would teach others. As a mother I hope my child and her generation will still see the beauty of the planet and save, even restore, nature. In the end, I see that the planet will outlast humanity and I am peaceful in recognition of this.
I would not want to live to see the end of times as we know them. I would not want to live in an underground bunker, for a year, only to emerge and die. I want to live everyday in the beauty that is here now. As I've said before, I cherish every moment I have watching my little girl explore, discover, and know for the first time the world around her. I want to surround myself with people who try to live in balance with this planet - the healers of this world.
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